Transformational Engagement
We need to face up to the unprecedented challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and human rights violations. Throughout history, investors and shareholders played a significant role in rising to challenges and help bring about significant change – this was true with slavery, apartheid and other challenges.
So increasing the positive influence investors have over companies, is something we feel passionate about and increasing the volume and the quality of investors’ engagement is what we want to do. This means that we want to make engagement meaningful and transformational to help solve urgent problems.
A lot has been done in the past and some of it has led to significant change. We want to make sure that engagements lead to ambitious real-world change.
We strongly believe that engagement could be a very significant vehicle to lead to change and our intention here is to encourage and promote a different kind of engagement – which results in positive changes and significant impact for people and planet.
We want – in consultation with experts and other key players in this field – to define what makes engagement meaningful. We will look for and highlight meaningful engagement where the change is real and transformational and work with investors and others to enhance and replicate those interactions to other investors, sectors and companies.
Proxy Preview is a collaboration between different organisations which collates the most comprehensive data on hundreds of shareholder resolutions – including environmental, corporate political spending, human rights, diversity, sustainable governance issues.
Climate Action 100+ is an investor initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change.