
About the EIRIS Foundation

CharitySRI is managed and maintained by the EIRIS Foundation. The EIRIS Foundation is a research, advice and advocacy charity that pioneers the next steps for sustainable finance. Our vision is a financial system that works for people and planet. We have over 30 years’ experience of providing free and objective information on sustainable finance and corporate activity to other charities and the public.

Its mission is to use research, analysis and influence to identify gaps, barriers, opportunities and enablers so that we can help organizations and individuals maximise their contribution to the responsible business and investment agenda.

We strongly believe that charities have an influential role to play in shaping a more sustainable financial system. By ensuring they are investing and saving responsibly and in harmony with their mission and values charities can reap significant mission‐related, reputational and financial benefits while complementing the voluntary sector’s fundamental objective of building a fairer society and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.