
Responsible Investment in Charity Pooled Funds

The EIRIS Foundation is currently researching charity-specific investment funds i.e. predominantly Common Investment Funds (CIFs) and Charity Authorised Investment Funds (CIFs) with the aim of updating and enhancing our previous report ‘Responsible Investment in Pooled Funds’ which was last produced and published in February 2013. This report is a popular and valuable tool for charity investors. The 2013 edition is still referred to and was downloaded an average of 220 times a month in 2018 alone.

We are asking the providers of charity-specific investment funds to answer a questionnaire looking at both the specific responsible investment criteria and policies of each of their funds as well as some general questions regarding their organisation-wide approach to environmental, social and governance (ESG) integration, research and engagement. If you have any questions regarding this research or would like to be added to the distribution list to receive notification of when the report is published, please email Lisa Stonestreet: