Individuals & Ethical Money

We work towards strengthening both the green and ethical investment options for individuals and the information available about these options to ensure that people are fully aware of their choices when it comes to ethical finance.

Why are we doing this?

“Financing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement commitments on climate requires trillions of dollars per year. Much of the finance needed will have to come from private sources, yet inadequate private capital is being deployed in ways that are aligned to these goals and commitments.”

UN Environment Enquiry ‘Making Waves: Aligning the Financial System with Sustainable Development April 2018

The total amount of UK assets under management is £7.7 trillion according to the Investment Association. According to our latest estimates investment in UK retail green and ethical funds is just over £19 billion. A shift in retail capital towards more sustainable investment choices will not only have numerous direct positive impacts on sustainability issues but will also act as a catalyst for increasing institutional investment flows and influencing the financial sector as a whole.

We also believe that as interest in and demand for sustainable investment grows it is crucial that the sustainable and responsible options available do actually represent opportunities to finance a more sustainable economy.

What are we doing to achieve this?

We are in the process of updating our website, Your Ethical Money, which aims to help individuals learn about how and where their money is invested, search for green and ethical financial products, and find out how they can help make finance more sustainable.

We work behind the scenes to learn more about the ethical options available to individuals and encourage product providers to improve, raise awareness of and add to their existing offerings.

‘Green and Fair Recovery’ Data project. We are pleased to have produced a dataset examining how financial products and providers are contributing to ‘building back better’ and a green fair recovery post-COVD. Further details about this project.

Other useful resources:

Good Money Week is an annual campaign run by the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association highlighting ‘good money’ options, resources and events.

Good With Money is a website featuring regular articles about ‘Good Money’ products and issues. They also publish useful guides and have a directory of companies demonstrating a commitment to ethical and/or sustainable finance.

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