Charity feedback on Responsible Investment and Ethical Money
At the EIRIS Foundation, we help charities align their money and mission and consider the social and environmental impact of the investment decisions they make. We strongly believe that charities have an influential role to play in shaping a more sustainable financial system.
We are particularly interested to hear about any actions your charity has taken in this regard, what led your charity to create a responsible investment policy if you have one and/or what the barriers you face to developing or further expanding this policy.
Responsible investing can apply to all charities however big or small. It can include, but is not limited to any or all of the following:
- Engaging with your commercial bank on their social or environmental footprint, or switching to a more ethical provider.
- Considering environmental, ethical and social factors when choosing where your charity’s money is invested or saved.
- Engaging with your employee pension provider to incorporate ethical investment considerations into your employees’ pension plans.
We intend to use this consultation to help us help charities consider all aspects of their own financial choices and how they might be part of shaping the finance sector.
We understand charities are often very stretched for capacity, and so if you only have 2 minutes please could you answer this very short survey.
If however you can spare us 5-10 minutes, please fill out this survey, which relates to our Charity Ethical Money Action Plan and will help us better understand your current investment and money practices, and what barriers you may face to investing more ethically and/or engaging with the financial sector.
We would love to hear from you if you are willing to have a conversation with us regarding your charity’s views on responsible investment and the various aspects of the Action Plan. This would be extremely useful whatever your views or the stage of responsible investing that you are at. If this would be of interest to you, please email Hetal Jani:
We are also looking for case studies from organisations who have already been engaging with responsible investing. If you have documented your experience, for example through a blog or report, then we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch via email.
If you have any questions and/or require additional information about responsible investment, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.